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URN MINIATURE, Vladimíra Klumpar-Pavlik, Natalie Dufková



Vladimíra Klumpar-Pavlik (*1954) ranks among the classics of Czech glass sculpture. Her works are a dialogue between glass’s substance, its optical qualities, and the mysticism of her themes. Furthermore, they attest eloquently to her supreme mastery of glasswork technologies. She also draws upon inspiration taken from her many years’ residence in the USA.

Natalie Dufková (*1995) is the founder of the independent Czech fashion brand Naniche (2019). Her clothing collections are characterised by an enthusiasm of form that embodies the richness of life.


THE SPIRAL OF LIFE, GLASS SOUL 2022 urn miniature S, V. Klumpar-Pavlik, N. Dufková

  • PRODUCT: THE SPIRAL OF LIFE, GLASS SOUL 2022, urn miniature Small
    COLOR: white, pink

    DIMENSIONS: width 3.15 in, length 3.15 in, height 4.72 in, weight 2.2 lb

    TECHNOLOGY: Klumpar Glassworks, Železný Brod Glassworks
    MATERIAL: molten glass, blown glass
    PRODUCT CODE: 2024010

    Unique art object, limited edition of 5 pieces

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